Thursday, March 6, 2014

Book Review: "Reparation" by Sawyer Bennett

(Legal Affairs #5)
Matt Connover is like a new person. Caring, romantic and thoughtful. No worries though… he’s still sexy as hell.

He has changed in every way that I have ever dreamed of, and he did it because he wants me. It’s like a fairy tale of sorts.

Except… like with every fairy tale, there is a villain. One who threatens to disrupt the harmony we have created together.

Is what we have strong enough to survive? I truly believe that perhaps I can find love within these Legal Affairs. I’m just not sure Matt believes it.

5 Stars

This book has got to be the most sensual and playful, yet emotionally driven one of the series so far. We left off in Mitigation with Mac and Matt at a very pivotal time in their “legal affair”.  The question is whether or not their relationship would continue on, or they would go their separate ways. Mac clearly feels the effects of Matt and his dominant and sexual ways with her….

Yes, with just a few whispered words and light kisses, Matt has rendered me the village idiot. ~Mac

We already know that Mac and Matt have a mesmerizing pull towards each other, one that continues to break through all barriers that have been erected to save their own hearts, so it would only make sense to continue on, right? They really have something between them and it is very evident, and Sawyer does an amazing job bringing their love to “life”.

In this novella, we learn more about Matt’s aversion to relationships and what holds him back emotionally….but we also learn to see the loving side of Matt as well. I loved that we got to dive deeper into HIM this novella and it really made for a slight cliffhanger for me. Thank goodness it’s only two weeks away until Affirmation, the 6th and final book in the series.

It is no secret that I am absolutely in love with this series. It has one major downfall for me….it’s going to end in two weeks!! Oh my goodness, I have absolutely loved the promise of another book every two weeks and I looked forward to it. I know that no matter what I read, I knew something good was coming. Sawyer really set the bar for Novellas and what they need to look like to consume me, to captivate me and to make me come back for more each time.

5 Purely emotional stars.


***An ARC of "Reparation" was provided in exchange for an honest review. Thanks!***

Purchase links:

Legal Affairs is a serial romance with a whole lot of hot and a little bit of funny. It has six volumes that will be released every two weeks.

Legal Affairs – Objection – AVAILABLE NOW!
Legal Affairs – Stipulation – AVAILABLE NOW!
Legal Affairs – Violation – AVAILABLE NOW!
Legal Affairs – Mitigation – AVAILABLE NOW!
Legal Affairs – ReparationAVAILABLE NOW!

Legal Affairs – Affirmation – releasing March 21, 2014

About the Author:
Sawyer Bennett

Sawyer Bennett
USA Today Best-Selling Author, Sawyer Bennett is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn't have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.

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