hosted by: The Book Avenue
Rare and Precious Things
(Blackstone Affair #4)
The fourth part in the New York Times bestselling series, The Blackstone Affair: A bright beginning for two damaged souls fighting for their hard-won love, and the promise of a new hope to secure their happily ever after.
Fresh from an idyllic honeymoon along the Italian coast, the Blackstones prepare for the birth of their precious baby and the challenges of settling into a new home. But things get complicated when specters from the past reappear to threaten the very foundation of their relationship. Ethan and Brynne will have to fight harder than ever for each other. Rare and Precious Things is the story of two people who both need the other in order to be complete, but learn just how "rare" their brand of love is when they have to risk everything in order to hold onto it.
5 Stars
I have said this several times now, and I will say it again.
Ethan Blackstone is probably THE most
romantic book boyfriend ever!!!
That man melted my heart…and panties…more times than I can count.
Rare and Precious
Things by Raine Miller is the 4th and final
book in The Blackstone Affair Series. Yes, you must read the three books in the series before this one. If you
have not read them, stop reading here.
“Rare. Brynne’s love was something rare – a
gift. A precious gift I’d been given, by some divine twist of fate that had
brought her into my world…and changed everything about me. ” – Ethan
Finally, husband and wife, awaiting their first child…Baby Blackstone. Could things get more perfect for Ethan and Brynne? *Happy
Sigh* They were honestly living in pure bliss. Ethan stopped at nothing to show
just how much he loved his American
girl…as did Brynne with him. The passion between these two was palpable. The amount of love they felt
for each other sizzled off the pages. It was truly wonderful seeing how they
spoiled each other in the best way possible as a married couple.
“Making Brynne happy made me happy. End of
Throughout this book, both Brynne and Ethan grew a
substantial amount, emotionally. We saw them face fears that terrorized them
and in some ways, weakened their future. They fought to become the type of people they yearned
to be, and in turn, the type of parents their baby deserved.
Ethan and Brynne were made for each other. As simple as
that. Brynne saw her husband for who he really was, and loved him even
more because of it. Theirs was a connection that ran soul-deep and saved them
from their pasts…healed them. Their
relationship brought them the peace and joy they thought they’d never have….and
THAT is what true love is all about.
“In the hours of the
darkest kind, Brynne has ever been my light. My lover who saw inside my
battered soul and freed me.”
Seeing Ethan fuss over becoming a father was heart-warming
yet funny at times. The guy was stressing
out! I found myself grinning and
swooning at the same time because
yes, even though it was quite funny seeing him freak out, it melted my heart
since it showed how protective he was when it came to the love of his life and
unborn child.
Now, you’re probably wondering…. Did they have a boy or a
girl? Hmmm. All I’m going to say is, Baby Blackstone was PERFECT! It’s what I
wanted for Ethan and Brynne and it was especially perfect for Ethan!!!! Be still my heart!!! Seeing that man as
a dad??? *Swoon* *Fans self*
All in all, this was such a great conclusion to a fantastic
series. A truly beautiful book where
two broken souls mend their hearts and find their happily ever after. As
always, it was bitter-sweet having to say goodbye to such wonderful characters,
but it really was a phenomenal series that should not be missed. I HIGHLY
recommend you buy this book. You will fall even more in love with the AMAZING
man that is Ethan Blackstone.
“I love you, Ethan.”
“I love you more, my beauty.”
Oh, and FYI, you should also read The Passion of Darius. It is a historical prequel to The Blackstone
Affair Series and it connects with Rare
and Precious Things.
Purchase links:
Amazon | Paperback | B&N | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU
The Blackstone Affair Series:

Naked, The Blackstone Affair #1
All In, The Blackstone Affair #2
Eyes Wide Open, The Blackstone Affair #3

Blackstone Affair spin-off, yet can be a standalone
Book Trailer:
I sighed with need and forced myself to take a step backward, creating some distance between our bodies. My arm stretched out as I slid back, my hand still clasped in his much bigger one. “Okay…how does this room in fifteen minutes sound?” I stepped backward again, moving closer toward the bathroom door, my eyes never leaving his blues as they tracked my movements.
Those same beautiful blue eyes also glittered at me with all the shuttered heat of a man who would be ravishing me very soon. He allowed my hand to be released from his grip, the heat of his skin noticeably absent the second contact was lost.
He gave me the serious Ethan-stare, the one I’d seen many times and was well familiar with by now—the one raw with male prowess…and the overpowering sexual dominance that made me burn. “Like fifteen minutes too fucking long, my beauty.”
I had to suppress the slight moan that escaped my throat at the effect his words had on me. I was just a mortal woman after all. Ethan was the one that looked and acted like a Greek god to me.
He seared me with another look dripping with the promise of the molten sex to come, before turning away, walking through the door, and closing it with a soft click.
Once he was out, the room was instantly quiet and I felt more than a little bereft without him. I just stood there and absorbed the reality of where I was in the moment. I’m getting ready to make love with my husband. That idea jolted me out of my stupor and sprung me into action pretty fast.
I fled for the bathroom and worked myself out of my dress, which gratefully was not difficult at all with its easy access placement of a side zip. I hung it up carefully on the boudoir hanger that had been arranged, for what I assumed, especially that purpose. I would have to remember to do something nice for Hannah. She’d thought of everything.
I set my veil aside while I brushed my teeth and drank a glass of water. I stripped out of my lingerie except for stockings and garter belt in pale lavender silk, and looked at my side profile in the mirror. I had a bump. Not much of one yet, but it was definitely there. I gave our sweet little peach a caress and reached for my veil again. I reattached it and stepped back out into the bedroom. I climbed up onto the raised bed and sank down into the downy softness of the duvet on my knees. I was careful to arrange myself with my back facing the same door Ethan had used when he left the room. He would pass through it again when he returned, and I wanted him to have a first vision of me as I’d planned it out in my head. I was ready even though my heart was racing.
I closed my eyes.
And waited for Ethan to come to me.
Those same beautiful blue eyes also glittered at me with all the shuttered heat of a man who would be ravishing me very soon. He allowed my hand to be released from his grip, the heat of his skin noticeably absent the second contact was lost.
He gave me the serious Ethan-stare, the one I’d seen many times and was well familiar with by now—the one raw with male prowess…and the overpowering sexual dominance that made me burn. “Like fifteen minutes too fucking long, my beauty.”
I had to suppress the slight moan that escaped my throat at the effect his words had on me. I was just a mortal woman after all. Ethan was the one that looked and acted like a Greek god to me.
He seared me with another look dripping with the promise of the molten sex to come, before turning away, walking through the door, and closing it with a soft click.
Once he was out, the room was instantly quiet and I felt more than a little bereft without him. I just stood there and absorbed the reality of where I was in the moment. I’m getting ready to make love with my husband. That idea jolted me out of my stupor and sprung me into action pretty fast.
I fled for the bathroom and worked myself out of my dress, which gratefully was not difficult at all with its easy access placement of a side zip. I hung it up carefully on the boudoir hanger that had been arranged, for what I assumed, especially that purpose. I would have to remember to do something nice for Hannah. She’d thought of everything.
I set my veil aside while I brushed my teeth and drank a glass of water. I stripped out of my lingerie except for stockings and garter belt in pale lavender silk, and looked at my side profile in the mirror. I had a bump. Not much of one yet, but it was definitely there. I gave our sweet little peach a caress and reached for my veil again. I reattached it and stepped back out into the bedroom. I climbed up onto the raised bed and sank down into the downy softness of the duvet on my knees. I was careful to arrange myself with my back facing the same door Ethan had used when he left the room. He would pass through it again when he returned, and I wanted him to have a first vision of me as I’d planned it out in my head. I was ready even though my heart was racing.
I closed my eyes.
And waited for Ethan to come to me.
✤ ✤ ✤
The sounds of the door opening and then closing told me when he was back in the room.
I sensed him staring and the idea gave me a rushing thrill to know what he was seeing of me. I turned my head and found him with my eyes.
“I just want to look at you for a moment,” he said, remaining still, a few feet away. I could tell he was affected by the hooded eyes and the set of his jaw, and that knowledge emboldened me.
“Only if I can do the same.”
My Ethan had prepared for me as well. The beautiful tuxedo with the purple brocade vest had gone the way of my wedding dress probably. In its place just one garment. Silky black pajama bottoms slung low at his waist. The contrast of the black fabric to his skin displayed his golden muscled chest and carved abdomen to perfection. And I got to drink him in. The muscular cuts which tapered into a spectacular V below his waist made my mouth water, forcing me to swallow. One of the most beautiful parts of my man. I needed my mouth there.
So gorgeously made in body, so full of male power and strength…it almost hurt to look at him sometimes.
I lowered my eyes to the side.
“Turn all the way around.”
The deep command of his voice heated me instantly, rendering me completely enslaved to his unrelenting dominance when it came to this part of us. Ethan’s control of our sex. His control over me. It made me hotter than hell.
He stepped closer, his body radiating power and desire as he waited for me to comply with his directive.
I rotated my body until I was facing him full on, my body completely bare except for my stockings and my wedding veil. I set my hands flat on the bed and made my arms straight, in effect thrusting my breasts up and out. They tingled under his intense perusal, my now ultra-sensitive nipples hardening with a lick of awareness suggestive of pain. My gesture of offering myself to my husband as a bride on our wedding night had aroused me to an incredible level of anticipation.
“Just for you,” I said softly, lifting my eyes to his.
I saw the muscles of his neck tense as he moved forward. “Baby…you are so sexy-beautiful right now. Don’t move. Just stay as you are and let me touch you.”
I knew how this game played out. The one where I was blissfully rewarded for following directions. The edge of the mattress dipped as he joined me on the massive bed, kneeling right before me, so close I could feel the radiating heat his body was throwing off.
I remained still, but I tensed in anticipation of what he would do first.
He hung there before me, for a moment, just studying me, claiming my body with his eyes at first. Ethan liked a splash of voyeurism in our encounters. A little kinky at times, and a lot dominant, but I was used to it with him.
Finally, after what felt like eons, he dropped his head to my sternum and inhaled deeply against my skin. Then I felt his tongue draw across the curve of one breast until he reached the tight bud of my nipple. He took the whole thing in his mouth and pulled it inside of him. I gasped in some air and steeled myself to remain still for his onslaught.
“Just feel, baby. Let me suck on your beautiful, perfect tits for a while. I’ve been starved for them.”
He took his time getting his fill as he worked me up with need.
Swirling his tongue in relentless circles over the tender flesh until he felt like giving me a rewarding jolt of sensation by clipping my nipple between his teeth for a gentle bite.
I shuddered against his mouth, desperately aching for more, but knowing I would have to wait until he gave it to me. Those were the rules. And I was always a good girl.
About the author:
Raine Miller
