Rock Bottom
Tristan & Danika #2
Their love had the power of a runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive.
The tempestuous sequel to Bad Things picks up where the first book left off. Reeling from a profound loss, Tristan and Danika struggle to pick up the pieces and build a life together, but the hard habits of a lifetime are not so easy to escape.
Rock Bottom takes us on a dual point of view journey through addiction and desire, through love and agony, and answers the question we’ve been asking since these characters were introduced in Grounded: “What happened between Tristan and Danika?”
Even love couldn’t cushion a fall like ours. My love for Tristan was so big that I felt consumed by it, and even so, it was not enough to overpower our combined demons.
I struggled. I yelled and screamed. I scratched and kicked.
I fought like hell, but even the most determined fighters have to stop before they break.
No one could say I didn’t fight for him.
“I love you,” I spoke softly into his ear.
He gripped me harder. “I can’t ever lose you, Danika. I’m not sure I’d survive it.”
“You’ve got me. And I’m not going anywhere. Not ever.”
I meant the words when I said them, but life had other plans for us.
I’d have given my life for that fight. In fact, I very nearly did.
She was the one.
If I’d ever had a doubt, I didn’t now. She was the one I’d be thinking about, longing for, until I took my last breath. If I lost her tomorrow, I’d pine for her like a lovesick fool.
This was the kind of love that only hit you once in your life.
This book is intended for readers 18 and up.
5 Stars
Important Note:
Even though the timelines for both series entwine, I recommend you read
the Up in the Air Series first and
then Tristan & Danika. Everything
will have a deeper meaning.
Bad Things (Tristan & Danika #1) – 5 years prior to In Flight (Up
in the Air #1)
Rock Bottom (Tristan & Danika #2)
In Flight (Up in the Air #1)
Mile High (Up in the Air #2)
Grounded (Up in the Air #3)
Lovely Trigger (Tristan & Danika #3)
“I can’t ever lose you, Danika. I’m not sure I’d survive it.” – Tristan
Holy emotional roller coaster, Batman! Rock Bottom was a heart wrenching,
angst-driven, phenomenal book you MUST read. I was super scared of reading
it because I just knew it would be nerve
wracking and intense, and R.K. Lilley
proved me right. If you’ve read the Up in
the Air Trilogy, then you know WHY. And yes. Everything regarding Danika
and Tristan’s relationship, or lack thereof, in that trilogy is explained in
this book. We finally got to see, or rather, experience their tragedy. I could NOT put this book down.
Really. I couldn’t. I finished reading it at 4 AM because just when I thought I
could actually stop and go to sleep, something would happen and I could not
turn the pages fast enough….until I actually finished the book.
“You’re my rock, sweetheart. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You
make everything better.”
Danika and Tristan’s journey picked up where book one, Bad Things, left off and everything got
even more complicated this time around. Seriously. If things were crazy in book
one….now? Ha. My heart shattered for them. I felt their pain, their agony
in my bones. There are no words that can express the amount of emotion R.K.
Lilley evoked from the very first page. I felt as if I had been the one going
through all the mess Danika and Tristan endured. It was raw and truly
gut-wrenching seeing them both go on a downward spiral with the ‘swipe’ of the
“I felt helpless to stop him. His demons were so very different from my
own.” – Danika
Tristan was broken in more ways than one. He was definitely a tortured
hero and I felt for him. I
wanted to literally get inside this book and hug him. And well, other things
too because let’s face it, the guy was effin’ YUMMY. His alpha, protective side
left me gasping! Gosh. I am truly in love with that man. There wasn’t an ounce
of doubt of his love, his passion, his adoration, for Danika. No one could say
otherwise. Well, Dean could, but he was a cruel and mean DICK, so moving on…. Danika
had her fair share of issues too. Boy,
did she ever. The way R.K. Lilley wrote this book (alternating POV) allowed
me as a reader to really get inside both Tristan and Danika’s heads. To really
understand and fully grasp what they were going through. What they were feeling.
Their insecurities, their devastation….it all made sense and I got it. I felt it.
“I didn’t tell him that he was dragging me down with him.” – Danika
To be completely honest, I felt as if I was holding my breath all
throughout the storyline. Hell, I feel
like I still am. Tristan and Danika were at a very low point, not only
individually, but most definitely as a couple. They broke each other, and yet,
they are the type of people that despite everything, they belong together. They
were made for each other.
Towards the end of this book, I literally felt like I was on the edge
of my seat falling off……and that fall could NOT be helped. Suffice it to say, this
does NOT end well relationship wise. At all. So make sure you have your
one-clicking abilities ready because you will need book three. At least, I know
I do, which is why I already bought my copy. Do I recommend this book? HECK
YES. I highly do. This book….this SERIES is a MUST READ.
“This is forever for me, sweetheart. I want it all with you. You’re the
thing that gets me up in the morning and lets me rest easy at night.” – Tristan
Tristan & Danika
Bad Things
(Tristan & Danika, Book 1)
Danika hasn’t had an easy life. Being insanely attracted to bad boys has never helped make it easier.
One look at Tristan, and every brain cell she possessed went up in smoke. This man was trouble with a capital T. It was a given.
She knew better. Bad boys were bad. Especially for her. Considering her history, it was crazy to think otherwise. So why did crazy have to feel so damn fine?
For as long as she could remember, Danika had been focused on the future with single-minded purpose. Tristan came along and taught her everything there was to know about letting go, and living in the present. She fell, hard and deep. Of course, that only made her impact with the ground that much more devastating.
Bad Things is about Tristan and Danika, and their train wreck of a love story. This series can be read as a standalone, or with the Up in the Air series.
Bad Things is a full length novel, at roughly 105,000 words.
This book is intended for ages 18 and up
Read my 6-star review ➜ here

Lovely Trigger
Tristan & Danika #3
Tristan hit rock bottom, and no one felt the impact harder than Danika. She was forced to see, in the most brutal of ways, that love does not conquer all. Bruised, bloody, and broken she had to walk away.
Picking up the pieces of your life after a tragedy is a daunting prospect, and that’s considering you still own all of the pieces. But what if you don’t? What if someone else owns those pieces, and those pieces are a part of your soul?
You dig deep and work with what you’ve got.
That’s what Danika told herself and believed, every single day, for years.
Tristan and Danika’s love had failed every test that life had thrown at them. She couldn’t forget that, not for one second. And if those tests had been overly harsh, well, she wasn’t one to wallow in self-pity. The failure was the thing she had to focus on. The failure was the lesson. She had no intention of working so hard to make it out of hell without learning that lesson well.
Over six years after the night that changed everything, Danika finds herself forced to spend the weekend constantly in Tristan’s company, as they attend the wedding of two of their dearest friends. It’s been long enough that she feels they can be friendly again without it destroying her peace of mind, but just a small amount of time in his presence has her remembering something she had forced herself to forget: There’d been a reason she’d gone through hell with this man, for this man, some true good to precede the bad.
She shocks herself by quickly giving in to a hunger that she never imagined could still consume her.
Even the best intentioned denial has a breaking point.
After everything that’s happened, the rise and the fall, the pain and the aftermath, can these two navigate the waters of acute regret, survive the trials of coming face to face with all that they have lost, and find the strength to try again?
R.K. Lilley
R.K. Lilley lives in Texas with her husband and their two beautiful sons. She's had a lot of interesting jobs, from being a first class flight attendant, to being a stable hand, but swears she never knew what hard work was until she had children. She's been addicted to both reading and writing fiction since she can remember. She loves to travel, read, hike, paint, game, watch anime, and make the most of every single day. She is the author of the erotic romance novels Bad Things, Rock Bottom, Lovely Trigger, In Flight, Mile High, Grounded, and the novella, Lana. She is currently working on Mr. Beautiful, Book #4 of the Up In The Air series, The Wild Side, a stand alone contemporary romance, andCrossing Fire, Book #2 of Heretic Daughter series.
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